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Our Vision
What does Christmas mean to you?
Family? Friendship? Singing? Good food? Time to relax and reflect on the busyness
of the past year?
For almost half a million older people, however, Christmas will be spent alone.
Our vision echoes that of Jenny Sykes, Community Services Director at Friends of the Elderly, who said, in The Guardian (2012):
"I'd like to see a greater move for everyone to feel responsible for the older people in their communities."
Our vision
focusses, for now, upon the Northwest and upon those elderly individuals supported by national charity Contact The Elderly. Whilst this organisation provides a lifeline of support through monthly Sunday tea parties, many elderly guests face a lonely Christmas Day and receive few, if any, Christmas cards.
Our vision
is for the 350 - 500 elderly individuals served by Contact The Elderly's in the Northwest to receive one (hopefully handmade!!) Christmas card each, from members of the public. The cards will be labelled with the Festive Friends and Contact The Elderly logos but will come from people who know that one simple card can make an elderly person's day.

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