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Festive Friends has a very simple vision. For the last few Christmasses, I have wanted to do something beyond the traditional turkey-eating and present-giving, but it hasn't always been easy to find a suitable opportunity. Festive Friends provides a low-cost, low-commitment opportunity for ANYONE to make a difference this Christmas.

For many years I've cared deeply about the social isolation felt by so many of our elderly citizens, in particular at Christmas. The best cure for this is of course human contact, but it's not always possible to, for example, invite an elderly member of your community into your home for Christmas Day.


Collectively, UK citizens send over 1.5 billion Christmas cards every year. Most people you know will be writing at least some cards, right? What if every one of these people decided to send an extra card to a lonely older person this Christmas? For some, this could be the only one that they receive.

I'm excited to partner with the Northwest branch of national charity Contact The Elderly. You can read more about the fantastic work they do to combat social isolation elsewhere on this website. Festive Friends aims this Christmas to produce 500 Christmas cards, one for every elderly guest served by Contact The Elderly in the Northwest. Maybe we can produce more. But we need people like you to help us reach this target.


Are you willing to join in? If so, read on!



Philippa Griffin, Project Co-ordinator





About Festive Friends



Get in touch by phone:

07969 359838


by email:


Send us a card:

Philippa Griffin: 43 Ramsay Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 8AY

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