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Loneliness - the hidden epidemic


Social isolation amongst the 'elderly' (defined here as those aged 75 or over) was

described by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt in November 2013 as a 'national scandal'.

In the UK, not only are family members increasingly settling away from where they

grew up, but life expectancy is increasing. Associated mobility problems can make

it harder for elderly citizens to leave the house to maintain their social lives.


The health implications may surprise you: chronic loneliness can present a  risk equal to that of smoking 15 cigarettes per day, and can be more dangerous than obesity and lack of physical activity.


Loneliness is often experienced more keenly over the festive season. Whilst many care homes lay on activities, those living alone can face days of solitude.




Over 800,000 older UK citizens are defined as 'chronically lonely' (Campaign to End Loneliness)

A huge 2.3 million are 'not looking forward to Christmas' (AgeUK)

And almost 500,000 will spend Christmas alone (Abbeyfield Society)







Could you make a difference to an elderly person with a card this Christmas?

Source: BBC, 2012

Get in touch by phone:

07969 359838


by email:


Send us a card:

Philippa Griffin: 43 Ramsay Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 8AY

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